Tuesday, July 2

EthosX Launches New Perpetual Options Product

[PRESS RELEASE – Claymont, Delaware, May 27th, 2024]

EthosX is delighted to reveal the launch of its brand-new Perpetual Options item being released in collaboration with kanalabs.io on their front end. Called OPerps, it intends to be among the most available and effective methods to improve returns by utilizing understanding about short-term market occasions.

The item intends to assist users utilize their market forecasts to create constant earnings and make the most of returns.

OPerps is a decentralized platform for short-term choices trading. It utilizes the power of blockchain innovation to make it possible for effective and transparent alternatives trading, which occurs through an easy to use user interface developed to empower those brand-new to derivatives.

OPerps lets users trade tokenized (ERC-20) alternatives that never ever end however settle every couple of minutes/hours. These continuous alternatives resolve the issue of cascading liquidations discovered in conventional continuous futures.

Using them in a decentralized, tokenized format enables for constant trading chances while improving security and versatility on the platform.

OPerps Opportunities

OPerps objectives to take full advantage of the trading capacity of financiers by providing chances to make money from unexpected market motions. This can occur through 2 opportunities; Long Call OPerps and Long Put OPerps.

Financiers can take part in trading Long Call and Long Put OPerps to take advantage of market motions. Long Call OPerps benefit from increasing markets, while Long Put OPerps take advantage of sags. On The Other Hand, Short OPerps permit users to possibly make premiums from Long OPerps token holders, with Short Call OPerps benefiting in falling markets and Short Put OPerps in increasing markets.

OPerps live choices positions aren’t limited to the platform. A live alternatives transfer function enables users to move their live alternative positions to other wallets and procedures for included benefit.

As part of the trading experience, the brand-new platform offers users more utilize and APY options. Traders can pick in between high take advantage of (as much as 1000x on BTC/ETH) or high APYs (triple-digit returns).

OPerps consists of functions to restrict losses and prevent abrupt liquidations, supplying a more secure trading environment.

OPerps is an uncommon development in the history of capital markets that leverages the structure of decentralized financing (DeFi) to provide traders the capability to move live alternatives positions to anybody throughout the marketplace. The platform provides various functional modes: Normal mode on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and DEGEN mode on Arbitrum for diverse trading experiences.

OPerps utilizes information from the Pyth network for costs of choices underlyings (BTC & & ETH in the meantime). Pyth’s real-time information feed makes the Degen mode possible.

About EthosX

EthosX is a procedure for trading high-value vanilla/exotic derivatives without going through banks, brokers, and other intermediaries. It supplies a platform for financiers to trade straight with one another with very little counterparty and decrease settlement dangers.

The platform is created from both crypto and standard property classes. Whether a user is trading cryptocurrency choices or TradFi derivatives, cleaning and settlement are done in an automated and decentralized clever contract-based clearinghouse for capital-efficient trading.

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