Sunday, January 12

Complications After Prostate Cancer Treatment


treated for had higher of complications, including urinary and sexual issues, than of . increases for and -specific complications, according to the cohort .


  • conducted a cohort study to try to characterize long-term -related and complications in patients treated for prostate cancer, compared with a general of older .
  • They used from the Prostate Cancer and the Selenium and Cancer Prevention Trial, linked with . A total of 29,196 participants were included in the study' control group. Of 3946 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer, 655 were treated with prostatectomy, and 1056 were treated with radiotherapy.
  • Participants were followed for a median of 10.2 years, with specific follow-up durations being 10. and 8.5 years for the prostatectomy and radiotherapy , respectively.
  • The study analyzed ten potential treatment-related complications using Medicare , including urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and secondary
  • Multivariable Cox regression was used to adjust for , , and of -at-risk initiation, with stratification by study and


  • At 12 years, there was a 7.23 in risk for urinary or sexual complications for patients who had prostatectomy, compared with (
  • Radiotherapy-treated patients had a nearly three times greater hazard risk for bladder cancer and a 100- increased hazard risk for radiation-specific complications, such as radiation cystitis and radiation proctitis (P
  • The incidence of any treatment-related complication 1000 -years was 124.26 for prostatectomy, 62.15 for radiotherapy, and 23.61 for untreated participants.
  • The stated that these highlight the importance of patient counseling before prostate cancer and treatment.

IN :

found that, after for baseline population rates, most patients with PCA undergoing treatment complications with worse of and/or new . The magnitude of these risks, compared with the relatively small benefit found by randomized clinical of PCA screening and treatment, should be explicitly reflected in cancer screening and treatment and be integral to shared with patients before initiation of PSA screening, , or PCA treatment,” wrote the authors of the study.


The study was led by Joseph . Unger, , SWOG and Data , Fred Hutchinson in . It was 7, in JAMA .


The study did not account for multiple comparisons, which affect the statistical significance of some findings. Claims data are to misclassification and may underreport complications that are not to a . The study did not differentiate among of prostatectomy or radiotherapy, which may result in different of complications. The cohort comprised men enrolled in large,

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