Thursday, January 2

From Seed To CEO: Lessons In Growth From The World Of Gardening

Tammy Sons is the CEO of TN Nursery and an expert plant advisor who studied horticulture. She enjoys her family, the outdoors and nature.


Gardening is a popular hobby. Even if you’re not a diehard plant enthusiast, there’s something relaxing about planting and watching a seed grow into a full-grown plant. The process is also satisfying when the plants finally produce flowers or fruit.

But did you know that the lessons you learn from gardening can also translate into the business world? Growing your company can mimic what you learn in gardening, sometimes in surprising ways.

Create A Strong Foundation

In the gardening world, a strong foundation refers to the soil. Yes, plants require adequate water and sunlight. However, the soil is crucial since it provides support while delivering water and nutrients to the root system. If you use poor-quality soil, the plant will suffer.

Think of your company as a plant. Your values are the soil. The values you instill in your company dictate the culture. For example, are you encouraging employees to work together to solve problems, or are your company values pushing staff members apart? What about technologies employed in your business? Are these technologies in place for your benefit or to improve customer satisfaction?

Your vision for the company, its mission and its values can all affect your decisions for years.

Expect The Occasional Pest

Even the most attentive gardeners will encounter occasional pests and bugs. Your vegetable crop looks excellent one day, and you’re excited about the upcoming harvest. Suddenly, holes are popping up on your tomatoes or peppers. Now, you’re fighting a battle that might seem impossible to win. Worse, you’re losing some or most of your expected harvest.

You’re probably not going to worry about bugs taking over your business, though; if an ant infestation suddenly appears in the breakroom, I’m sure you would get everyone cleaning and call an exterminator. That said, in the business world, pests often refer to those little voices that always seem to be whispering negatively in your ear. Every decision you make is questioned. Instead of receiving moral support, you’re offered words of discouragement.

It’s vital to tune out the harmful background noise to thrive under these types of pests. Start spending time with people who offer support and encouragement. These are the individuals who’ll be with you as your company grows.

Sometimes Things Die

There are times when the best care can’t save a dying plant. This is a fact of life and something every gardener has experienced at least once. You can start an evaluation by examining every minute detail of care, but the fact remains that the plant has perished and can’t be brought back to life.

In the business world, every decision isn’t going to produce the desired or expected results. Regardless of how well you plan for every contingency,

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