Wednesday, January 15

Hubble Uncovers a Celestial Fossil


This largely inhabited of is globular NGC 1841, which belongs to the Large Magellanic (LMC), of our galaxy that 162,000 -years away. Satellite are bound by in orbits around a more huge galaxy. normally consider the Andromeda Galaxy our galaxy' nearby stellar buddy, however is more precise to that Andromeda is the closest galaxy that is in around the . Lots of satellite galaxies orbit our galaxy and they are far than Andromeda. The biggest and brightest of these is the LMC, which is quickly noticeable to the unaided from the hemisphere far from light .

The LMC is to lots of globular . These heavenly someplace in between clusters– which are much less thick and securely bound– and little, galaxies. Significantly expose the and of globular clusters are diverse and intricate, and we have yet to completely comprehend how these securely jam-packed of stars . There are specific consistencies throughout globular clusters: they are really steady and their shape for a long , which indicates they are typically extremely old and include of really old stars. Globular clusters belong to .' Simply as fossils into the early of in the globular clusters such as NGC 1841 can into really early in galaxies.

: (ESA)


'sGreenbelt, MD

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