Friday, June 28

On political caricatures, “genuine” policies and the concept of civil service


THE PARADOXES of Brexit increase every day. Brexit was expected to enable Britain to reclaim control of its fate. Today a British prime minister beinged in a windowless space in Brussels while 27 European nations discussed the nation’s future in the council chamber (though Donald Tusk, the European Council’s president, did nip out midway through the conference to keep her upgraded). Brexit was expected to bring back the sovereignty of parliament. Today a British prime minister, obtaining the language of demagogues down the ages, scolded MPs for not enacting the “will of individuals”. Brexit was expected to require the political class to endeavor out of its bubble and uncover the remainder of the nation. The political class– reporters in addition to political leaders– is more navel-gazing than ever. I might go on however I believe you get the basic drift …


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