Soupault (soup-ohis a fixed site generator/framework that deals with HTML component trees and can instantly control them. It can be referred to as a robotic web designer that can modify HTML pages according to your guidelines, however does not get tired of modifying them.
You can utilize soupault for making blog sites and other kinds of sites, basically like any other SSGs (Jekyll, Hugo, Eleventy, and so on). You can likewise utilize it as a post-processor for existing sites– an usage case other tools do not support.
Soupault is highly-configurable, extensible, and created to offer you total control over your site generation procedure.
If you are currently knowledgeable about other fixed website generators, have a look at the contrast with Hugo, Zola, and Jekyll. You might likewise wish to check out the FAQ.
Quick begin
Soupault is extremely basic to set up: if you are on Linux (x86-64), macOS, or Microsoft Windows, you can simply download an executable.
If you are beginning a blog site or an online book, you can get a ready-to-use plan.
If you wish to make a customized setup, checked out a guide to get a feel of soupault’s workflow:
Produce a blog site setup from scratch.
Usage soupault as a post-processor for an existing site.
Why soupault?
Soupault is not like other fixed website generators– it deals with the HTML aspect tree level. The majority of SSGs deal with HTML as a nontransparent format that can be produced with design templates however can not read or controlled.
Soupault deals with HTML as a top-notch format which allows lots of utilize cases and functions that are difficult for other SSGs.
Shop pages in any format
Soupault deals with HTML component trees, so you can save your pages in any format that can be transformed to HTML.
You can set up HTML conversion commands for various file extensions and soupault will call them immediately when it loads your pages.
Whatever formats and tools you wish to utilize, you can quickly do it. Wish to utilize cmark for Markdown, pandoc for reStructuredText, and Asciidoctor for AsciiDoc? That’s easy:
md=’cmark– hazardous– clever ‘rst=’pandoc -f rst -t html ‘adoc=’asciidoctor– ingrained -o -‘
Or you can compose HTML pages by hand if you choose.
Bring any external tools to your workflow and get rid of unneeded client-side JavaScript
A great deal of time individuals include non-interactive client-side JavaScript to make up for missing out on functions in their SSGs. Soupault assists you keep your pages lighter by pre-rendering HTML with external tools at construct time rather.
In the most basic case, you can consist of the output of an external program in your page, in any place recognizable with a CSS selector.
widget=”officer” command=”date -R” selector=”datetime #generated-on”
You can likewise pipeline component material through an external program and place the output back.