Wednesday, January 15

Tag: macroeconomic

Increasing Metal Prices Cast Shadow on U.S. Construction Industry

Increasing Metal Prices Cast Shadow on U.S. Construction Industry

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United States dollar rally stops briefly before tasks information, Aussie droops on RBA outlook

United States dollar rally stops briefly before tasks information, Aussie droops on RBA outlook

By Kevin Buckland TOKYO (Reuters) - The dollar hovered near a three-month peak on Wednesday in a huge week for macroeconomic information that might expose the course for U.S. financial policy. The Australian dollar edged better to a three-month trough after some stickiness in inflation recommended a Reserve Bank of Australia rate of interest cut is not likely this year. Combined U.S. indications overnight, revealing a loosening up U.S. tasks market however a positive customer, offered little clearness on the outlook for Federal Reserve alleviating, permitting the greenback to wander lower with Treasury yields on Tuesday following a strong seven-year note auction. Just recently however, financial readings have actually indicated a durable economy, especially for work, stimulating a paring b...