Load is not what you need to stabilize: Introducing Prequal
Authors:Bartek Wydrowski, Google Research; Robert Kleinberg, Google Research and Cornell; Stephen M. Rumble, Google (YouTube); Aaron Archer, Google ResearchAbstract:We provide PReQuaL (Probing to Reduce Queuing and Latency)a load balancer for dispersed multi-tenant systems. PReQuaL is developed to reduce real-time demand latency in the existence of heterogeneous server capabilities and non-uniform, time-varying villain load. To accomplish this, PReQuaL actively probes server load and leverages the power of d options paradigmextending it with asynchronous and multiple-use probes. Cutting versus gotten knowledge, PReQuaL does not stabilize CPU load, however rather chooses servers according to approximated latency and active requests-in-flight (RIF). We check out the significant style functio...