Wednesday, January 15

Tag: Qiana Mickie

USDA Appoints New Members to the Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

USDA Appoints New Members to the Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

Health and Mediacal
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20, 2023-- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack designated 4 brand-new members to the Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Federal Advisory Committee (Committee). The brand-new members are changing 4 members whose terms are ending and turning off the Committee. The Committee belongs to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) efforts to support city farming and ingenious production, producing a network for feedback. The Committee's public conferences provide the city and ingenious production neighborhood and others a chance to witness considerations and voting treatments. "This Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Committee counts on a variety of know-how and viewpoints," stated Terry Cosby, Chief of USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), whic...