Sunday, January 19

Tag: retrograde

Bruja Tarotscope: February Tarot Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign

Bruja Tarotscope: February Tarot Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign

We start the month with 2 worlds turning direct out of their retrograde transits, both Uranus and Jupiter bring a sense of peace for the winter season. Mars is still retrograde in Cancer at the start of the month, wreaking psychological havoc. This is the time to clear out the corners of your mind, in order to flush stagnant sensations that you've been harboring from ghosts of the past. You might certainly feel extremely delicate this month, and incredibly compassionate. Think about the sufficient strings of synchronicities a symptom of this transit, assisting you reroute your focus towards more efficient methods to sit with the alchemy of unfavorable psychological undercurrents. The flamboyant Leo moon marks the peak of Aquarius season on Feb. 12. This will serve as a cathartic lunar stag...