Portspoof: Emulate a legitimate service on all 65535 TCP ports
Portspoof software application summary (https://drk1wi.github.io/portspoof/)
** Short description: **
The Portspoof program main objective is to boost OS security through a set of following strategies:
All 65535 TCP ports are constantly open
Rather of notifying an aggressor that a specific port remains in a CLOSED or FILTERED state Portspoof will return SYN+ACK for each port connection effort/
As an outcome it is unwise to utilize stealth (SYN, ACK, and so on) port scanning versus your system, because all ports are constantly reported as OPEN:
** 'nmap -p 1-20 '** Starting Nmap 6.47 (http://nmap.org) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0018 s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 1/tcp open tcpmux 2/tcp open compressnet 3/tcp open compressnet 4/tcp open unidentified ...