According to Moneycontrol, the messaging app Telegram might even be prohibited depending upon the result of the examination. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was apprehended in Paris over the weekend as the platform's material small amounts comes under increasing worldwide examination.
Telegram, an extensively utilized messaging platform, is coming under increasing analysis for its absence of material small amounts, ending up being a hotspot for criminal activity
The federal government is examining Telegram over issues about criminal activity such as extortion and betting, a federal government spokesperson informed Moneycontrol, including that the messaging app might even be prohibited depending upon the result of the examination.
The discovery follows Telegram creator and CEO Pavel Durov, was detained in Paris on August 24 over the app's small amounts policies. Reports stated he was apprehended for stopping working to avoid criminal activity on the app.
A federal government authorities informed Moneycontrol, asking for privacy:
The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) (under MHA) and MeitY are checking out P2P interactions on Telegram.
The probe, performed by the home ministry and the ministry of electronic devices and infotech (MeitY), was targeted at penetrating criminal activities such as extortion and gaming, the authorities stated.
The authorities did not dismiss obstructing the platform, which has more than 5 million signed up users in India, however stated a choice would be taken based upon the findings of the probe.