Monday, January 20

This PDF consists of a playable copy of Doom

Here at , ' suckers getting working whatever from CAPTCHA and ' .exe to and fluorescing gut . Regardless of that , we were still tossed for loop by a of Doom in normally fixed of a file.

On the for the quixotic , ading2210 goes over how consisted of some robust for in the PDF . That JS assistance– which goes years and is still completely recorded in Adobe' main PDF – is presently executed in a more , more kind part of PDFium, the integrated PDF-rendering of -based browsers.

In the past, hackers have actually utilized this obscure Adobe to basic like and into PDF . Ading220 went even more, recompiling a structured of Doom‘s code utilizing an variation of that enhanced code.

With that code filled, the Doom PDF can take inputs through the in a designated and create “video” in the of transformed ASCII text into 200 text fields, each representing a horizontal line of the Doom . The text in those fields suffices to mimic a - and screen at a “quite bad however ” 13 2nd (about 80 ms per ).

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