Wednesday, January 15

USDA Announces Complete Lineup of Plenary Sessions for the 100th Agricultural Outlook Forum

, Feb. 12, revealed the complete of plenary sessions for its 100th Annual Agricultural , entitled “Cultivating the ,” to occur 15-16, 2024 in , .

“The Agricultural Outlook Forum comprehensive out and its remarkable ” stated . “In this , the plenary sessions in this ' edition of the Forum into existing and emerging subjects and in the and farming .”

Plenary and subjects on the very first of the 2024 forum will concentrate on to cultivating the future of farming, with by Agriculture Torres , followed by the unveiling of 's 2024 Outlook for the farming and by Meyer. remarks by Secretary Vilsack will highlight USDA's in producing a more food and that permit to farming and a great in the neighborhoods they like. The latter half of the early morning will consist of a moderated with Amanda Beal, of the of Agriculture, and ; . Tim Boring, of the and Development; and Rick Pate, Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and for a on the future of farming, are dealing with, and carrying out USDA in food and farming on the . Furthermore, a panel of manufacturers and will over how , , and development are placing and to succeed. Concluding the day's plenary sessions will be a with Raj Shah, of the Rockefeller , the obstacles dealing with farming and the world in the years ahead, and the huge required to move on. concurrent sessions on a variety of subjects, Dr. Wendy Wintersteen, President of , will liquidate the day with remarks on innovating farming's future.

The 2nd day's plenary speakers will check out to promote varied for ag in the market. will remarks on .S. on shaping and U.S. and providing for the American , while U.S. Trade Katherine will attend to the present and go over bilateral and multilateral to market chances for the sector. To liquidate the early morning plenary , Secretary Vilsack will MaryKay . Carlson, to the , and Ambassador Marc E. Knapper, U.S. Ambassador to , for a panel conversation on U.S. on market , , , and other continuous engagements to broaden U.S. farming exports. Extra concurrent sessions will be hosted for the remainder of the day.

The Agricultural Outlook Forum is USDA's biggest and yearly .

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